Designing for Photography plan users — including a engagement-focused interactive video feature

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We'd had lots of success testing interactive pages with our Photography plan members, and wanted to combine all of the learnings into a new baseline experience. This campaign was very large and was designed pretty much from scratch. It included a new landing page, a social media campaign, new tutorials, emails, and banners that would show up in the Creative Cloud Desktop app. I led design, prototyping, and parts of the development.

Why did we care?

The baseline new experiences for Photoshop, Lightroom, and the Ps + Lr workflow were all in different stages. We desired to combine those into one seamless experience for users. We again used our internal (now public) framework to author the pages in Google Docs and then use custom code to apply styling. Each experience holds the users' hands as they learn common actions for each app, providing both an easy way to launch the app and also get started with a sample asset. This test was so successful that we created versions of it for Lightroom Classic and also translated it into Portuguese and Spanish.

The first page. Users can choose to learn about Photoshop, Lightroom, and how the two apps work together.
Step 1 of the tutorial page, designed by Cass Waldman.
The last step of a tutorial page.
Preparing the prototypes for testing.
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And the tl;dr

This interactive video and timestamp UI combined the best of patterns from Canva, YouTube, and Unity Learn. We chose to try a different approach because of user painpoints we'd learned about while researching how folks perceive cross-app workflows. This feature was designed to give users multiple ways to learn as well as both a linear and non-linear path to learning, which is critical for users trying to learn two powerful apps and how they work together. Huge shoutout to the team for helping to test and implement this idea. It presented a lot of technical challenges, but was, in my opinion, worth it to think outside the box a bit.

Feel free to explore the interactive prototype or the live page. (The project is from 2021, so bugs are highly likely.)

Users are first encouraged to open the app and follow along. The app opens with the sample file.
A green checkmark shows when that section of the video has been played.
Users can also use the timestamps as navigation.
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